DAFO Gestion Estrategica
DAFO Strategic Management is a consulting and training company based in Spain, in the city of Medina del Campo.
Our mission is to improve the competitiveness of the European society and the development of organizations with lower resources, through management and implementation of international projects, training and creation of transnational partnerships.
The company was born in 2014 with a focus on managing and designing events and training.
However, DAFO Strategic Management has built up a team of professionals experts in education and training. This brought the company to work as a training centre, specialised in topics related on one hand to management, on the other hand to mobility of youth and adults.
In doing this, DAFO has always been looking for the European added value of its activities. In this context, DAFO gained expertise in the design and management of European projects, which allowed it to further develop and increase the company’s activities in the field of management and education.
Website: www.dafogestion.com